
Friday, January 12, 2024

Enabling Remote Connections to PostgreSQL Database


By default, PostgreSQL is configured to be accessed only from the local machine. To access your PostgreSQL database remotely, you'll need to modify a couple of configuration files: pg_hba.conf for client authentication and postgresql.conf for listening addresses. This guide will take you through the steps to enable remote connections.

Understanding the Error

When remote connections are not enabled, attempting to connect to your PostgreSQL server from a remote machine will typically result in the following error:

psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused

Configuring PostgreSQL for Remote Access

Step 1: Modify pg_hba.conf

1. Open the pg_hba.conf file located in your PostgreSQL data directory (/var/lib/pgsql/data/ or similar):

nano /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf

2. Add a new line under the IPV4 local connections section to specify which hosts are allowed to connect:

  • To allow connections from any IP:
    host all all trust
    Note: Allowing connections from any IP ( can be very insecure if proper measures are not taken to secure the database.

3. Save and exit the file.

Step 2: Change the Listen Address in postgresql.conf

1. Open the postgresql.conf file:

nano /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf

2. Find the line that specifies listen_addresses and change it to:

listen_addresses = '*'

This setting allows PostgreSQL to listen for connections from any IP address.

3. Save and exit the file.

Step 3: Restart PostgreSQL

Apply the changes by restarting PostgreSQL:

service postgresql restart


systemctl restart postgresql

Testing the Remote Connection

1. On the remote machine, attempt to connect to your PostgreSQL server:

psql -U postgres -h YOUR_SERVER_IP
  • Replace YOUR_SERVER_IP with the actual IP address of your PostgreSQL server.

2. If everything is configured correctly, you should be prompted for a password and then given access to the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.


You've now configured your PostgreSQL server to accept remote connections. This setup is essential for development and production environments where database access is required from remote locations. Remember, allowing remote connections to your database can expose it to security risks. Always ensure your database is secured with strong passwords, firewalls, and consider using SSL connections. If you're opening up your database to the internet, it's crucial to implement additional security measures and regular security audits.

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