
Saturday, December 3, 2011


with this plugin we can save the packages for future install without internet

1.>>>>>>>>>yum install yum-downloadonly

2.>>>>>>>>>yum update httpd -y --downloadonly --downloaddir=/opt

here update can be changed to install…….httpd with needed package name…..opt with needed directory

later we can install downloaded rpm with

3.>>>>>>>>>rpm -ivUh *.rpm

Friday, December 2, 2011

Enable Install Software Package from Fedora DVD/CD

List the file inside yum repo configuration directory... you can use the ll command as show on example below or replace the ll command with ls -l command.if needed first try "yum install repo"
 1.>>>>>>>>>ll /etc/yum.repos.d/

To make Fedora DVD as installation source... we need to create DVD repo file and edit this file to make the Fedora DVD as the installation source.  To make life little bit easier,  just copy the existing yum configuration file fedora.repo and name the copied file as fedora-dvd.repo
2.>>>>>>>>>cp -pr /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-dvd.repo

3.>>>>>>>>>ll /etc/yum.repos.d/

Execute command below to open and edit the fedora-dvd.repo configuration file using gedit editor... edit the configuration file.. rename the repo as "[fedora-dvd]", and "name=Fedora-dvd" add PATH to the Fedora 11 DVD "baseurl=file:///media/Fedora%2011%20i386%20DVD/" and enable the Fedora DVD repo file "enabled=1 "see... working example below... and then remove unwanted line from the fedora-dvd.repo configuration file.
4.>>>>>>>>>gedit /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-dvd.repo &


name=Fedora-dvd $releasever - $basearch







....Save and exit the editor

**change the baseurl as per the dvd version u use**
5.>>>>>>>>>yum clean all

To start to use Fedora installation DVD as installation source, execute yum command and temporary disable all other repo except Fedora DVD repo using the command that show on example below.  Change the gcc part to the software that you want to install in your box
 6.>>>>>>>>yum --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=fedora-dvd install gcc*




1) Copy all the RPMS from the DVD to a particular folder lets say /root/os/RPMS

2) Install createrepo RPM from /root/os/RPMS directory using rpm command

3) Now, we will have to create repo of the directory in which we have coied the RPMS. Following is the command to create the repo
.........>createrepo /root/os/RPMS

Once the above command gets completed you will find repodata directory in /root/os/RPMS folder

4) configuing YUM to work with local repository. Create a new file in /etc/yum.repo.d/ or open /etc/yum.conf and paste following
[local repo]
 name = OS $release - MyLocalRepo
baseurl = file:///root/os/RPMS/

Now Try to install any package using YU

Fedora 15 Broadcom 4313 wireless

There is a problem exiting that the Fedora 15 Broadcom 4313 wireless is not working when getting to network manager and selecting the wireless.

Below r the steps given for solving the problem...

1.>>>>>>>>>>>>Yum install kernel-devel

Remove any broadcom/wlan drivers in use

2.>>>>>>>>>>>>rmmod b43/ssb/wl

Blacklist the following drivers

3.>>>>>>>>>>>>echo "blacklist ssb" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

4.>>>>>>>>>>>>echo "blacklist ssb" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

Download the Broadcom Drivers from here

If your kernel version is > 2.6.37, you should download the following  patch for compilation problem
If ur Kernel version is> 2.6.37 .Extract the Driver into a folder along with the patch and follow the steps from 5 below .else just make the driver and install the driver .follow the steps from no 6

5.>>>>>>>>>>>>>patch -p0 < 5_100_82_38.patch


Load the driver with the followings

7.>>>>>>>>>>>>>modprobe lib80211 or ieee80211_crypt_tkip

8.>>>>>>>>>>>>>insmod wl_ko

Run the driver after boot process:load the driver

9.>>>>>>>>>>>>>cp wl.ko /lib/modules/'uname -r'/kernel/drivers/net/wireless

10.>>>>>>>>>>>>depmod -a

Reboot and enjoy wifi........