
Friday, December 20, 2019

Exposè/Mission Control Not Working Mac 10.15.2

The issue of Exposè/Mission Control not working in Mac 10.15.2 can be fixed by applying a defaults write command. First, open Terminal app and type or copy the following command:

defaults write mcx-expose-disabled -bool FALSE

After running this command, restart the OSX Dock by typing the following command in Terminal:

killall Dock

This will enable the Exposè/Mission Control feature and fix the issue.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Kubernetes Sample Commands

Below is a Kubernetes cheat sheet, which lists various useful commands that can be used with kubectl command-line interface to manage Kubernetes clusters. These commands cover a range of tasks, such as creating and managing deployments, pods, and services, querying resource usage, deleting resources, and more. Examples include running tests using temporary pods, checking node and pod resource usage, and deleting resources by labels. Additionally, the cheat sheet also provides tips on how to enable shell autocompletion for kubectl, and how to open a bash terminal in a pod.

Run curl test temporarily 
kubectl run --rm mytest --image=yauritux/busybox-curl -it
Run wget test temporarily 
kubectl run --rm mytest --image=busybox -it
Run nginx deployment with 2 replicas 
kubectl run my-nginx --image=nginx --replicas=2 --port=80
List everything 
kubectl get all --all-namespaces
List pods with nodes info 
kubectl get pod -o wide
Show nodes with labels
kubectl get nodes --show-labels
Validate yaml file with dry run
kubectl create --dry-run --validate -f pod-dummy.yaml
Start a temporary pod for testing
kubectl run --rm -i -t --image=alpine test-$RANDOM -- sh
kubectl run shell command
kubectl exec -it mytest -- ls -l /etc/hosts
Get system conf via configmap
kubectl -n kube-system get cm kubeadm-config -o yaml
Explain resource kubectl explain pods
kubectl explain svc
Get all services
kubectl get service --all-namespaces
Watch pods
kubectl get pods -n wordpress --watch
Query healthcheck endpoint
curl -L
Open a bash terminal in a pod
kubectl exec -it storage sh
Check pod environment variables
kubectl exec redis-master-ft9ex env
Enable kubectl shell autocompletion
echo "source <(kubectl completion bash)" >>~/.bashrc, and reload
Get services sorted by name
kubectl get services –
Get pods sorted by restart count
kubectl get pods –sort-by=’.status.containerStatuses[0].restartCount’
Get node resource usage
kubectl top node
Get pod resource usage
kubectl top pod
Get resource usage for a given pod
kubectl top <podname> --containers
List resource utilization for all containers
kubectl top pod --all-namespaces --containers=true
Delete pod
kubectl delete pod/<pod-name> -n <my-namespace>
Delete pod by force
kubectl delete pod/<pod-name> --grace-period=0 --force
Delete pods by labels
kubectl delete pod -l env=test
Delete deployments by labels
kubectl delete deployment -l app=wordpress
Delete all resources filtered by labels
kubectl delete pods,services -l name=myLabel
Delete resources under a namespace
kubectl -n my-ns delete po,svc --all
Delete persist volumes by labels
kubectl delete pvc -l app=wordpress
Delete statefulset only (not pods)
kubectl delete sts/<stateful_set_name> --cascade=false
List all pods
kubectl get pods
List pods for all namespace
kubectl get pods -all-namespaces
List all critical pods
kubectl get -n kube-system pods -a
List pods with more info
kubectl get pod -o wide, kubectl get pod/<pod-name> -o yaml
Get pod info
kubectl describe pod/srv-mysql-server
List all pods with labels
kubectl get pods --show-labels
List running pods
kubectl get pods –field-selector=status.phase=Running
Get Pod initContainer status
kubectl get pod --template '{{.status.initContainerStatuses}}' <pod-name>
kubectl run command
kubectl exec -it -n “$ns” “$podname” – sh -c “echo $msg >>/dev/err.log”

Friday, December 28, 2018

Docker Sample Commands

Below is a cheat sheet for using Docker, a popular containerization platform. It provides a list of commonly used commands to pull images from a registry, retag images, log in to a registry, push images to a registry, list images, delete images, create a Docker container from an image, stop and kill running containers, create overlay networks, list running containers, stop and remove containers, attach to and detach from containers, set containers to read-only, flatten images, check container resource usage, build images from Dockerfiles, use Docker Compose to build, create, and start containers, create and run a container with a mounted volume, copy files to and from containers, and inspect containers. It also includes a Dockerfile sample.

Pull an image from a registry
docker pull alpine:3.4

Retag a local image with a new image name and tag
docker tag alpine:3.4 myrepo/myalpine:3.4

Log in to a registry (the Docker Hub by default)
docker login
Push an image to a registry
docker push myrepo/myalpine:3.4
List all images that are locally stored with the Docker engine
docker images
Delete an image from the local image store
docker rmi alpine:3.4
Create a Docker from image
docker run
--rm #remove container automatically after it exits
-it #connect the container to terminal
--name web #name the container
-p 5000:80 #expose port 5000 externally and map to port 80
-v ~/dev:/code #create a host mapped volume inside the container
alpine:3.4 #the image from which the container is instantiated
/bin/sh #the command to run inside the container
Stop a running container through SIGTERM
docker stop web
Stop a running container through SIGKILL
docker kill web
Create an overlay network and specify a subnet
docker network create --subnet --gateway -d overlay mynet
List the networks
docker network ls
List the running containers
docker ps
List the all running/stopped containers
docker ps -a

Stop a container
docker stop <container­name>

Stop a container (timeout = 1 second)
docker stop t 1 <container­name>
Delete all running and stopped containers
docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)

Remove all stopped containers
docker rm $(docker ps q f "status=exited”)
Create a new bash process inside the container and connect it to the terminal
docker exec -it web bash
Print the last 100 lines of a container’s lo
docker logs --tail 100 web

Exporting image to an external file
docker save o <filename>.tar [username/]<image­name>[:tag]

Importing and image to an external file
docker load i <filename>.tar 

Inspecting docker image
docker inspect <Container-ID>

Attach to a running container 
docker attach <Container-ID>

Detach from the Container with out killing it ##turn interactive mode to daemon mode
Type Ctrl + p , Ctrl + q

Set the container to be read-only:
docker run --read-only

Flatten an image
ID=$(docker run -d image-name /bin/bash)
docker export $ID | docker import – flat-image-name

To check the CPU, memory, and network I/O usage
docker stats <container>
Build an image from the Dockerfile in the current directory and tag the image
docker build -t myapp:1.0 .

Docker file samples

vi Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y nginx
COPY index.html /usr/share/nginx/html/
ENTRYPOINT [“/usr/sbin/nginx”,”-g”,”daemon off;”]
Build new images, create all containers, and start all containers (Compose). (This will not rebuild images if a Dockerfile changes.)
docker-compose up

Build, create, and start all in the background (Compose):
docker-compose up -d

Rebuild all images, create all containers, and start all containers (Compose):
docker-compose up --build

Create a new container for my_service in docker-compose.yml and run the echo command instead of the specified command:
docker-compose run my_service echo "hello"

Run a container with a volume named my_volume mounted at /my/path in the Docker container. (The volume will be created if it doesn't already exist.) 
docker run --mount source=my_volume,target=/my/path my-image
docker run -v my_volume:/my/path my-image

Copy my-file.txt from the host current directory to the /tmp directory in my_container:
docker cp ./my-file.txt my_container:/tmp/my-file.txt

Inspect an container
docker inspect python_web | less